OHAUS is committed to providing unmatched customer service and technical support. From logistical inquiries, to parts replacement and technical service, our friendly and responsive customer service and technical support representatives are highly-trained to provide answers to your questions and solutions to your problems in a timely manner. With offices in twenty countries, our customers located in every corner of the world can receive personalized service and support in their time of need.
OHAUS is also a trusted source of information and offers a wealth of resources that are of great value to professionals in almost every industry. Our vast library of information will answer most questions about our products' features, maintenance, applications, and potential uses. Our large array of literature includes brochures, data sheets, product tutorials, calibration guides, user manuals, and how-to-guides that provide the information necessary to operate your OHAUS equipment as well as decide which product will best meet your needs. Most of our informative literature is available in print and on the web at www.ohaus.com.
The intuitive and user-friendly Ohaus.com offers a detailed product selector, designated dealer zone, as well as specific sections for each industry we serve, guaranteeing that the information you are seeking is easily accessible.