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A LabJaws Clamp for Every Application - Choose From Over 85 Options to Hold Everything In Your Lab
  • Corrosion-resistant stainless steel clamps provide excellent chemical resistance, durability, and can be autoclaved. Nickel-plated zinc clamps offer high-tensile strength at an economical price.
  • Prevent accidents in the lab - versatile multi-purpose LabJaws clamps securely hold glassware and irregularly-shaped objects. Select from a variety of grip sizes, prong styles, and adjustment types.
  • Choose from a variety of specialized LabJaws clamps with adjustable features to provide an exact fit for labware such as thermometers, thermocouples, columns, funnels, and round bottom flasks.
LabJaws Ensures Secure Support for Holding Your Labware and Apparatus with Over 130 Options
  • Corrosion-resistant lab-frames, rods, and connectors are available in premium stainless steel offering high chemical-resistance and durability. Aluminum offers reliable strength at a lighter weight.
  • Simplify lab set up - 13 lab-frame kit options are available with four designed to fit in fume hoods. Build your own support system choosing from a wide selection of rods, bases, and connectors.
  • Lab-lifts are convenient adjustable lifting platforms. Exceptional strength and durability for holding small lab equipment such as glassware, hot plates, and water baths at different heights.