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Floor Scales

Defender™ 5000 Low Profile Floor Platforms

Low-Profile Floor Platform for Drive-Through Applications
Defender 5000 Series Low Profile Platform combines durable construction and an ultra-low height. Featuring a painted steel platform, built-in ramp, four alloy steel load cells (with adjustable feet), the ultra-low design simplifies the job of moving goods on and off the platform.
Defender™ 5000 Low Profile Floor Platforms Features
Ultra-low profile painted steel solution for weighing drums and carts by loading and driving over the platform. 35 mm height for the 600 kg model and 45 mm for the 1500 kg model.
Platforms are equipped with a 5 m double-shielded EasyConnect™ cable, which allows instant configuration with Defender 5000 (TD52) indicators for quick installation.
Platform is available in 1000 x 1000 mm and 1250 x 1250 mm sizes and capacities of 600 to 1500 kg, allowing greater flexibility to best suit your weighing needs.
Defender™ 5000 Low Profile Floor Platforms Models
Maximum Capacity
Readability (Certified)
Platform Size
Protection Rating
Legal for Trade
Maximum Capacity
600 kg
0.2 kg
Readability (Certified)
0.2 kg
Maximum Capacity
1,500 kg
0.5 kg
Readability (Certified)
0.5 kg
Defender™ 5000 Low Profile Floor Platforms Product Details
Painted steel platform, stainless steel junction box, (4) OIML R60 alloy steel load cells and a front access painted ramp
Design Features
150% capacity overload protection, painted and stainless steel floor stands (available as accessories)
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