Elevate your Moisture Analysis
In every successful relationship, communication is key.
Think Safer. Think SMART.
Weighing is the most commonly performed task in any laboratory.
Water quality analysis that goes where you go
Defender 3000 Low Profile Bench Scales
OHAUS Defender 3000 Drum Scales
Versatility meets affordability for a variety of basic weighing needs
Designed with energy efficient weighing in mind for workplace and in-the-field weighing
Weigh It with OHAUS
PR Series Precision Balances
Defender 5000 Industrial Bench Scales
A New "Spin" on Life Science
Introducing the OHAUS ST20M
Introducing The New Digital Field Test Scale
Meet the new OHAUS CKW
The OHAUS Pioneer PX combines economy and high performance
Maximize throughput in the laboratory
More Products. More Applications. More Business.
Introducing The First Multi-Parameter Bench Meter From OHAUS
Moisture analysis made simple- and powerful
Moisture analysis has never been easier
The Starter Series ST5000 meets all of your water quality testing needs
The OHAUS MB Series of moisture analyzers expands to include the MB27
The First Touchscreen Portable Balance!